Our social commitment
In line with our guiding principle “ENGEL Connects”, we have been committed to helping people and the environment for decades. To this end, we regularly support relevant charitable organizations – and not just as a company.
So far, we have been able to contribute to the following organizations, among others:
Integrations-Werkstätten Oberschwaben (IWO)
“Excuse me – we need very specific packaging”: We often hear this sentence from our customers. For example, they want individual packaging units of different or identical fasteners in cardboard boxes, polybags or on an entire pallet. In order to meet these diverse requirements, we have been working with IWO for many years.
In IWO, we have found a competent partner that offers fast solutions and response times. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the fact that people are at the heart of our collaboration, above the economic aspect. We look forward to continuing our good and reliable partnership in the future.
About IWO:
IWO is a non-profit social enterprise based in Weingarten in the district of Ravensburg. The organization’s goal is to provide people who have not yet gained access to the general job market with participation in education, work, and society. This includes people with a mental and/or physical disability, as well as the long-term unemployed. IWO offers these people to find a wide range of work, training and support opportunities.
IWO´s work areas include:
- Electrical assembly
- EDP office service
- IT trade for companies
- Warehouse and logistics
- Delivery service “IWO delivers to you”
- Garden and landscape maintenance
- Job coaching
- Training programs
Other Organizations Supported by Us
Charitable organizations
- Children in India
- Hospitals in Africa
- Doctors Without Borders
- Engineers Without Borders
- Arco-Iris Foundation for the support of street children in Bolivia e.V.
- Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. Ravensburg/Weingarten
- German Red Cross
- UNICEF Germany
- UNESCO Children’s Relief Organization
- Foundation for World Population
- Christoffel Blind Mission e.V.
- Aktion Mensch
- Caritas
- various volunteer fire departments…and many individual campaigns
Cultural institutions
- Monastery festival in Weingarten
- Guelph Festival
- Schools, school events
- Sports clubs
- Music clubs