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Kanban systems from ENGEL

more efficiency with a system.

Kanban systems from Engel optimize your C-parts procurement. C-parts management tailored to your individual requirements makes a significant contribution to reducing the time and costs involved. Our various Kanban systems, Kanban boxes and e-Kanban solutions support you in organizing your logistics flexibly and efficiently.

From analysis to process optimization

Do you want to protect yourself against production downtime, simplify your warehousing and make your delivery intervals as flexible as possible? As an experienced C-Parts partner, we will be happy to advise you personally – from the very first moment: Together we will find the best solution for your company and ensure that your employees’ workload is significantly reduced.

With us and our Kanban systems, for example, there is no need for manual data entry, the time-consuming determination of requirements and the storage of C-Parts in labor-intensive small warehouses. You minimize your capital commitment, have a complete overview at all times and benefit from other advantages such as

  • clearly organized warehousing
  • simplified stocktaking
  • reduced sources of error and
  • flexible controlling

In addition, we help you to significantly reduce the number of your suppliers and optimize your supply chain – regardless of which of our Kanban solutions you ultimately decide on.

C-Part Management – Tailored to Your Requirements

Whether classic multi-bin Kanban system or e-Kanban solution with scanner, innovative RFID solution or complex IT connection – we have mastered the entire ABC of logistics and support you in efficient C-Parts management that meets your requirements.

ENGEL can Kanban

We see ourselves as a partner to our customers and always want to offer them the best possible service. It is therefore no coincidence that we have been offering Kanban-based C-parts delivery for more than 25 years. We always adapt our Kanban systems to the individual infrastructure and specific needs of each company.

We will be happy to advise you on which Kanban containers and which pull mechanisms are best for you and whether e-Kanban systems might be suitable for your company. In this way, we ensure a punctual, needs-based and cost-efficient supply.

Our Kanban systems

Interesting facts about Kanban

In 1947, Toyota developed the Kanban system, a method for organizing just-in-time production. Delivery is always based on the actual consumption of materials at the point of supply and consumption. The Kanban principle is easy to understand using the example of the milk run of the English and US milkmen: they replaced the empty milk bottles on their customers’ doorsteps with just as many full containers in a fixed delivery rhythm at an early stage.

The Key Advantages of Kanban

Since the introduction of the decentralized control method, Kanban has been constantly improved and further developed – right up to the highly efficient, (partially) automated E-Kanban. The actual core has remained the same: instead of the classic push (bring) principle, the pull (get) principle applies. Whereas the push principle usually relies on demand estimates, Kanban is based on actual demand, which means that stock levels can be significantly minimized. The Kanban system is therefore more robust and at the same time more flexible. Over the course of time, new and even more efficient pull principles have been developed that optimally safeguard delivery and production capabilities on site.

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